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Welcome to the Better Business Agency


Our mission is to support you and your team to grow and prosper...

So your business can grow and prosper...

And the people and businesses you serve can grow and prosper.

Wellness Ensurance:

A Healthy Foundation

Health & Wellness Management (without time off for office visits, and without drugs or surgery)


We deliver results the world agrees are impossible. Without your health, you're done. And the same goes for your team. We can help with each individual's challenges. And beyond that, we can help you establish a Wholistic Healing Oasis for your business, whether it's just for you and your employees, or a profit center for your health and wellness service.

Transformational Solution:

Communicate Your Message

Content & Communication Management (with your own Knowledgebase Integration)


Your unique knowledge, skills, experience, and solutions are at the core of your life work and mission. Our AI communication systems tap into your unique brain by building a knowledge-base of your books, articles, videos and notes. You set the tone and tenor of your talk, so your intent, your purpose, your heart is felt in every word.

Better Business Agency:

Grow Your Business

Your Targeted Marketing Asset Management System (with direct CRM Integration)


Translating words into actions takes coordination. Keeping it all organized and coordinated takes a unifying system. That's what we bring to all of your marketing communications and assets. Never again wonder what you should create and how you should deploy it to achieve your goals for business growth. Choose a complete strategy from the start.

Better Business Agency:

Manage Your Success

CRM: Customer Relationship Management (with automation support for repetitive processes)


The world is a stage... and people need a chance to see what you can uniquely perform for them. They may not even recognize their need until they meet you... virtually. Distance is not the barrier it once was. Your business can now go global overnight. We use the latest industry standard for integrated digital sales and marketing systems. 

Non-profit education and support

Services from $37/mo/person

Lab Services

Functional Formulations

Wholistic Healing Tools

Coaching & Consulting Professional Certification


Prime $99/mo (Solo)

Plus $199/mo (Team of 5)

Pro $299/mo (Unlimited)

Knowledgebase Setup

Complete Integrated Marketing Assets with CRM Integration:

Full setup starting at $5K

Maintenance & Support $99/mo

Reputation Management $99/mo

Better Business $299/mo

Complete CRM $499/mo


Open source disclosure:

Our open source proprietary systems also utilize technologies from ZYTO, NES, and CoRe Inergetix within our integrated New Medicine system. You can set up your free account for NES voice scans through WellnessWhispering.com

Open source disclosure:

Your unique knowledgebase and communication system will be built on technologies developed by Groove, Chat-GPT, and Pinecone.

Open source disclosure:

Your system of marketing assets will be created with the Fletcher Method developed by Growthworks. 

Open source disclosure:

Your CRM, sales funnels, website, and other integrated sales and marketing interfaces will be built on HighLevel technology which integrates about 500 different functions.

Mentorship Mastermind

Sure, you can implement any of these transformative solutions in your business and experience tremendous benefits.

And as soon as you do, you'll start to question what will happen when you get on board with the others...

That's why we also offer you a comprehensive package approach...

And an irresistible offer to join our team.

We truly believe that its the teamwork that makes the dream work:

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More.

By partnering with us, we become part of your team, and you help us expand to achieve our global mission as well.

Your success becomes our success... and ours yours.


Frequently Asked Questions About Transformational Solution™

What is Transformational Solution™ and what does it do?

Transformational Solution™ is an AI-powered SaaS platform created to automate marketing, copywriting, and website design tasks. It helps you save time and increase your conversion rates through advanced AI algorithms and machine learning technology.

Who is Transformational Solution™ for?

Transformational Solution™ is for marketers, bloggers, content creators, and agencies who want to streamline their marketing and sales processes.

How does Transformational Solution™ differ from other marketing platforms?

Transformational Solution™ is unique in that it will offer an AI-powered chatbot like ChatGPT to assist with marketing and copywriting tasks, in addition to automating the website design process. It also will include a feature that allows users to "upload the conscious of their business" to streamline the marketing process even further.

Will using AI generated content on my website damage my search ratings?

No- here’s what Google has said Click Here

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.